what is a matrix energetics study group?
a study group is an official matrix energetics learning venue where students can meet together in person to continue to expand upon what they have been taught at a matrix energetics (me) fundamentals (previously known as level 1, level 1-2), magic (or level 3) or mastery (or level 4) seminar. study groups are only open to participants who have attended at least one (1) me fundamentals or level 1 seminar, unless notified in advance that the study group leader will be facilitating a magic (level 3) or mastery (level 4) study group that month. in that case, only participants who have attended the corresponding level seminar may attend. you will find a listing of endorsed, local study groups on our website under "local study groups". study groups are led by trained, certified study group leaders and are officially approved by dr. richard bartlett and melissa joy. local study groups meet once or twice a month. the cost is $20.00 per person per study group to attend and payment is made directly to the study group leader. study groups are held for a two-hour period, once a month. study groups are conducted in person only and not by teleconference. students attending study groups may earn credit hours toward the requirements for certification as a matrix energetics practitioner.
what is a practice group?
a practice group is a play group where students can meet together in person to play with the consciousness technology of matrix energetics. anyone who has attended at least one (1) me fundamentals or level 1 seminar is welcome to host a practice group. practice groups are only open to participants who have attended at least one me fundamentals or level 1 seminar. you may also host a me fundamentals (or level 1-2), magic (level 3) or mastery (level 4) practice group if you and the other participants have all attended the corresponding level seminar. all practice groups are to be held free of charge. if you wish to host a practice group you may coordinate this play group by posting the event on the matrix energetics message board. all practice groups are held in person and not by teleconference. please note that practice groups are not venues for teaching matrix energetics. they are simply a place to gather with one another in order to notice what you notice, to practice playing with what shows up and learn from the experiences of others. attendance at a practice group does not count toward the requirements for certification as a matrix energetics practitioner. matrix energetics does not endorse or regulate practice groups.
a note regarding teaching matrix energetics:
study groups and practice groups are not venues for conducting introductory courses to matrix energetics. an introductory course encompasses any teaching of matrix energetics to groups or individuals who have not attended at least one me fundamentals or level 1 seminar. no one is authorized by dr. bartlett, melissa joy or matrix energetics to lead introductory courses.
in support of our continued desire to grow matrix energetics, all are welcome to promote this work by showing the official matrix energetics video free of charge. this is an excellent way to expose friends and family to dr. bartlett and the wave of matrix energetics.
thank you for your compliance and continued support of matrix energetics!